HRC52: Ongoing systematic Human Rights Violations in Yemen

On 8 March, ADHRB  along with other organizations have delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 52 under item 2, during the General debate. They expressed their concern over the Ongoing systematic Human Rights Violations in Yemen. Mr. President, We welcome the report on Yemen from the High Commissioner but[…]

Saudi Arabia is escalating the use of an anti-terrorism law to suppress freedom of opinion and expression

The year 2022 witnessed more repressive arrest campaigns in Saudi Arabia that targeted citizens and activists on charges related to freedom of opinion and expression. Attacks on freedom of expression and opinion increased after the visit of US President Joe Biden to Saudi Arabia in July 2022, who promised during his election campaign to hold[…]

WGAD declares Saudi activist arbitrary detained

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) published an opinion on its website it adopted during its ninety fourth session concerning Husain Bin Abdulla Bin Yusuf AlSadeq, a 47-year-old Saudi social activist who is currently arbitrarily detained in Saudi Arabia.  AlSadeq, who is from Tarout Island in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia,[…]

Fears grow for Saudi detainees awaiting trial or sentencing, following wave of 30-year-plus prison terms

In light of the unprecedented jail sentences recently issued against peaceful activists and others in Saudi Arabia merely for exercising their freedom of expression, concerns are growing for those who remain in arbitrary detention without charge or are facing prolonged trials or retrial. The undersigned NGOs call on the international community to intensify efforts to[…]

Joint Statement: President Biden’s visit has a negative impact on human rights movement in the MENA region

1 September 2022- The human rights movement in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has paid a heavy price for the unlimited and unconditional support provided by the United Kingdom and United States to repressive governments across the region. The recent visit of US President Joe Biden has reinforced the practice of international relations[…]