إضغط هنا لنسخة عربية FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 25 October 2015 Washington, DC – More than a year since a Saudi Arabian court sentenced leading opposition activist Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr to death, authorities announced that his appeal has been refused and his death sentence upheld. Sheikh al-Nimr’s family and lawyer reported on Saturday that both[…]
إضغط هنا لنسخة عربية 20 October 2015 – Washington, DC – Yesterday, Saudi Arabia’s Specialized Criminal Court (SCC) sentenced human rights defender and scholar of Islamic law Dr. Abdulkareem al-Khoder to 10 years in prison and a further 10-year travel ban. Dr. al-Khoder is a founding member of the Saudi Arabian Civil and Political Rights Association[…]
As the 13th Annual World Day Against the Death Penalty approaches, the Government of Saudi Arabia has marked its calendar for a separate occasion: the public beheading of two minors. Despite its international obligations under the Convention against Torture and the Convention on the Rights of the Child – and despite its seat on the[…]
8 October 2015 – Brussels – Today, the European Parliament (EP) adopted an Urgency resolution that condemns the imminent execution of Ali Mohammed al-Nimr and calls on King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to “grant pardon or to commute his sentence.” Saudi authorities arrested al-Nimr when he was 17 years old for participating in protests[…]
*Best viewed in full-screen mode. In Mapping the Saudi State, Chapter 7: The Destruction of Religious and Cultural Sites, ADHRB studies the complicity of the Saudi Ministry for Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da’wah, and Guidance in the destruction and defacement of religious and historical sites within the kingdom. ADHRB finds that the ministry has either ignored[…]