Saudi State Ideology and Social Media

Saudi Arabia ranks as among the least free countries in the world, with its political, religious, and social spheres characterized by strict state control. Amidst an oppressive public sphere, many activists have turned to online social media as a way to organize and express themselves. However, the government has moved to exert similar control over[…]

The Saudi Association for Civil and Political Rights’ Abdullah al-Hamid

Seven years ago this month, 11 Saudi citizens established the Saudi Association for Civil and Political Rights (ACPRA) to address the deteriorating human rights situation in the country and to advocate for constitutional reforms. One of ACPRA’s co-founders, Abdullah Al-Hamid, has been championing its values of accountable governance and human rights for decades and continues[…]

Saudi Arabia Flouts its Legal and Ethical Responsibilities in Yemen

On 8 October 2016, the Saudi Arabia-led coalition bombed a crowded funeral reception hall in Sana’a, Yemen, killing more than 140 and injuring more than 525 Yemenis. This is only one of the coalition’s most recent deadly attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Yemen. Since its entry into the conflict in Yemen in March[…]

Saudi Arabia Continues to Target Shia Opposition Clerics

The Government of Saudi Arabia targets and prosecutes political and religious activists who speak out against the government. Among those it targets are dissident clerics from the kingdom’s restive Eastern Province Shia minority like Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr. Sheikh Nimr was a forceful critic of the government. Due to his speeches, Saudi security forces harassed[…]

ADHRB Welcomes Congressional Override of JASTA Veto

29 September 2016 – Yesterday, Congress voted to override President Obama’s veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). The JASTA bill would allow victims of terrorism to sue foreign governments for any complicity and support of terrorism in US courts. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate overrode the veto by[…]