Diverting attention from human rights abuses: the Esports World Cup in Saudi Arabia

On July 3, 2024, the Esports World Cup, the largest global event of its kind, will kick off in Saudi Arabia amid in the gaming community. Saudi’s last attempt to become a hub for international esports has, once more, triggered discussions about the ethical implications of hosting major sports -and esports- events in countries with[…]

ADHRB at #HRC56: Saudi Arabia should harmonize its legislation with human rights standards

On 28th June 2024, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 56 during the annual discussion session on the human rights of women. ADHRB considered that Saudi Arabia should harmonize its legislation with human rights standards and release those detained for speaking out and advocating for women’s rights. Saudi Arabia’s[…]

Advanced arms and technology for a monarchy with an appalling human rights record: the US-Saudi Arabia Security Pact

A security guarantee, assistance in developing a nuclear program, and more unrestricted arms sales in exchange for the normalization of Israeli-Saudi relations is what the Biden administration proposes to Saudi Arabia in a bilateral agreement that is close to being finalized between the two countries. Long gone are Biden’s words in the 2019 Democratic primary[…]

Incomprehensible ideas to address climate change: a futuristic ski resort in the middle of the Saudi desert

Snow-covered mountains, people skiing, and luxury accommodations are some of the images Saudi Arabia wants to imprint in people’s minds about Trojena, one of four major parts, alongside The Line, Oxagon, and Sindalah, of the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s brainchild: “NEOM”, a $550 billion “giga-project” that aims to show the world Saudi Arabia’s grand[…]

Profile in Persecution: Jalal Labbad

Currently, Jalal Labbad is sentenced to death for crimes committed when he was a juvenile.  Jalal is a young man who represents critical issues concerning human rights, legal fairness and the treatment of religious minorities in Saudi Arabia. His case embodies the harsh and unjust application of the death penalty in Saudi Arabia.   Jalal[…]