Haider Jaafar Khair was a high school student when he was arrested at his family’s house. His arrest was warrantless, and, before his trial, Haider was constantly transferred between locations. His lawyer was not present during his interrogation and he was subjected to an unfair trial. He remains in the New Dry Dock Detention Centre.[…]
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government has an extensive history of using torture against those they percieve as a threat; this ‘threat’ most commonly includes human rights defenders, political opposition, religious figures, and journalists. On 19 July 2012, the UAE acceded to the United Nations Convention against Torture (UNCAT), which details obligations that the government[…]
Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) is a non-profit human rights organization headquartered in Washington DC, USA, that fosters awareness of and support for democracy and human rights in Bahrain and the Arab Gulf. We are searching for a dynamic, independent, and passionate individual based in London who is ready to lead[…]
Ahead of Oman’s third cycle Universal Periodic Review, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a report assessing freedom of expression in Oman titled Concerning Systematic Restrictions on the Rights to Freedom of Expression in the Sultanate of Oman. The report addresses the current policies, practices, and law which criminalize and hinder[…]
Fadhel Abbas Sahwan was a football player on the first team of the Galali Bahraini Club. Following high school, he worked as a driver at the National Motor Company. On 5 March 2017 he was violently arrested at his grandmother’s house in Sanabis. He was tortured and subjected to an unfair trial. He was imprisoned[…]