Clinton, Verveer & Georgetown: Withdraw From UAE-Sponsored Event

On 10 November, In cooperation with 13 different organizations, American for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) sent a letter to the former Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Clinton, calling for her immediate withdrawal from the event called the “Advancement of Women’s Participation in Post-Conflict Reconstruction” and ending her association with[…]

Appointment of UAE Ministry of Interior Official to the Presidency of INTERPOL

  19 international human rights organizations sent a letter to the Secretary-General of Interpol, during which they expressed their concern about the nomination of Major General Ahmed Nasser Al-Raisi, Inspector General of the UAE Ministry of Interior, to head the Interpol for the elections that will be held in Abu Dhabi on November 7 and[…]

Germany’s double standards and Women’s Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia

“In many parts of the world we are seeing the space for civil society shrinking. In many parts of the world, human rights defenders, journalists and NGOs are being intimidated and harassed. If we are serious about our commitment to human rights, then we need to work for their protection” said Heiko Maas, the German[…]

UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Opinion: Nine more Bahrainis are being arbitrarily detained suffering numerous violations of human rights

 The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) has formed an Opinion on 18 September 2020 (No.41/2020) concerning Husain Ali Hasan Khamis and eight other Bahraini citizens, recently published on the website of the Working Group and reflected in its annual report to the Human Rights Council. The Opinion, adopted by the Working Group[…]

Profile in Persecution: Ali AbdulHusain AlWazeer

Ali AlWazeer was 26 years old when he was arrested in 2014. At the time, he was unemployed. This was the third time Ali was arrested. After being interrogated and convicted in an unfair trial, Ali was imprisoned in Jau Prison, where he remains today. Ali was arrested at Ansar Gallery complex after civilian and[…]