Oral Intervention at the Human Rights Council on the Humanitarian Crisis caused by the Saudi led Coalition in Yemen

    On 16 March, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 46 during interactive debate under item 4.     Mr President, We direct the Council’s attention to the ongoing war crimes occurring in Yemen as we welcome the Group of Eminent Experts’ third report which found that[…]

ADHRB at HRC 46: Bahrain engages in constant attacks against Human Rights Defenders

    On 10 March, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 46 during interactive debate under item 3. Madam President- We would like to bring to the attention of the council the constant repression that civil society organizations and human defenders are facing in Bahrain especially under the[…]

Declaration to demand Loujain al-Hathloul’s Freedom on Occasion of Her Second Hearing

French Deputy Jean-Baptiste Moreau (LREM), president of the France-Saudi Arabia parliamentary friendship group again joins forces with Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), Women’s March Global, International Service for Human Rights, MENA Rights Group, to reiterate the demand for the definitive release of Loujain al-Hathloul and her right to return to France,[…]

UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Six Bahrainis are arbitrarily detained and victims of various human rights violations

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) adopted an Opinion on 26 November 2020, concerning Ali Mahdi Abdulhusain Mohamad Alaiwi, Hasan Asad Jasim Jasim Nesaif, Habib Hasan Habib Yusuf, Ali Ahmed Ali Ahmed Fakhrawi, Mohamed Ahmed Ali Ahmed Fakhrawi, and Nooh Abdulla Hasan Ahmed Hasan Al Amroom. In the opinion, the WGAD determined[…]

15 Rights Groups Urge Biden Administration to Place Human Rights “at the Centre” of US-Bahrain Foreign Policy

5 March 2021 – The Biden administration should act on the president’s campaign promises by restoring human rights “as a key feature of American diplomacy” in Bahrain and the wider Arab Gulf, in light of a dramatic deterioration in the country’s rights record during the previous U.S. administration, 15 human rights groups including the American[…]