23 March 2011 | The Real News Network Husain Abdulla: Hypocrisy defending rebels in Libya but supporting regime in Bahrain [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDke9dQyK4g[/youtube]
18 March 2011 | Husain Abdulla, The Progressive It is shameful of the Obama administration to acquiesce in the brutalization of the people of Bahrain. When peaceful protesters gathered in the country’s capital for weeks and demanded democracy, Washington continued to back the monarchy. When security forces and gangs sent out by the monarchy engaged[…]
21 February 2011 | Husain Abdulla, CounterPunch Within a week of the launching of the people’s revolution in Bahrain, the number of martyrs has reached eight, all murdered in cold blood by the riot police and soldiers. Since the first peaceful demonstration at sunrise on Monday 14th February (Bahrain’s Day of Rage) led by Abdul[…]