Past Event: Hearing before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission: Implementation of the BICI Report

Statement of Husain Abdulla, Director Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain Before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Hearing: “Implementation of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry Report” Wednesday, August 1, 2012 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Rayburn 2237 I would like to thank the distinguished Chairmen of this Commission for holding this important[…]

Activist Says Pro-Democracy Protests Will Continue

15 March 2011 | Democracy Now “Bahrain is No Longer an Independent Country, It is Occupied by Saudi Forces”: Activist Says Pro-Democracy Protests Will Continue The King of Bahrain has declared a state of emergency for three months following weeks of pro-democracy protests. The King’s announcement comes one day after about 1,000 Saudi troops crossed[…]

Washington Wrong to Endorse Suppression of Democracy in Bahrain

18 March 2011 | Husain Abdulla, The Progressive It is shameful of the Obama administration to acquiesce in the brutalization of the people of Bahrain. When peaceful protesters gathered in the country’s capital for weeks and demanded democracy, Washington continued to back the monarchy. When security forces and gangs sent out by the monarchy engaged[…]