ADHRB Weekly Newsletter 38

ADHRB Bahrain Week Events Join ADHRB this week for a series of events marking the 3rd anniversary of protests in Bahrain. From ADHRB   ADHRB Praises the EU for Passing Bahrain Urgent Resolution Bahrain News Bahrain in the News  EU Resolution on Human Rights in Bahrain  Bahrain’s Government ‘Addicted to Teargas’  Congress Mentions Bahrain in Omnibus Bill[…]

Upcoming Event: Failure to Reform: An Examination of Bahrain’s UPR Recommendations

Please join Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, the International Federation for Human Rights, the World Organization Against Torture, and REDRESS on 12 March for Failure to Reform: An Examination of Bahrain’s UPR Recommendations. This event will be held at the United Nations in Geneva and is open to the public. For additional[…]

27 Experts Call on President Obama to Discuss Reform in Bahrain during Saudi Visit

On 10 March 2014, 27 experts sent a letter to United States President Barack Obama urging him to address the growing crisis in Bahrain with counterparts in Saudi Arabia during his upcoming visit to the country. Please continue reading for the full letter or click here for a PDF. — Dear President Obama, We are writing to[…]

On International Women’s Day, Bahrain Must Commit to Full Implementation of the CEDAW

International Women’s Day marks a time to reflect on both the progress made, as well as the steps that remain necessary to ensure gender equality around the world. This year’s International Women’s Day theme – equality for women is progress for all – highlights that society remains inherently flawed when women are treated differently than[…]