Newsletter #126

Bahrain | Updates from the Ground | News & Opinion Saudi Arabia | Other Gulf States | UN Complaint Program Bahrain In letter to FIFA, ADHRB Raises Concern over Sheikh Salman Al Khalifa’s Bid for Presidency ADHRB’s Executive Director Husain Abdulla sent a letter to Issa Hayatou, the Acting President of the International Federation of Football Associations[…]

UN Experts Condemn Detention of Qatari Poet

20 October 2015 – Today, United Nations human rights experts called for the release of the Qatari poet Mohammed al-Ajami on the second anniversary of his prison sentencing. Al-Ajami is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence in Doha for the contents of his poetry. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomes the[…]

ADHRB Raises Concern over Bahrain Candidate for FIFA Presidency

October 19, 2015 Issa Hayatou Acting President International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) FIFA-Strausse 20 P.O. Box 8044 Zurich, Switzerland Dear Mr. Issa Hayatou and members of the FIFA Executive Committee, In 2013, our organization wrote to FIFA President Mr. Joseph Blatter expressing our deep concern over allegations of unethical behavior conducted by FIFA committee[…]

Labor Reforms in Qatar & UAE Require More than Rhetoric

The international community has devoted an unprecedented level of attention to migrant labor abuses in Qatar since its successful bid to host the 2022 World Cup. NGOs and governments alike have called on the Qatari government to increase protections for migrant workers amidst a slew of abuses. Qatar has not been alone in facing international[…]

Proven Human Rights Abusers Don’t Get to Set the Record Straight

During the 2011 uprising, Bahrain’s human rights abuses took center stage when security forces used excessive force against peaceful pro-democracy protests. Since then, evidence of human rights abuses by the government continues to mount. Although widespread documentation of the government’s use of torture, arbitrary detention, and flawed trials makes it difficult for Bahrain to cover[…]