At UN, ADHRB, BIRD & BCHR Call on Bahrain to Commit to Cooperation with OHCHR

Geneva, Switzerland — 30 September 2015 — On behalf of Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain, the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy, and the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, human rights attorney Mohamed al-Tajer delivered an oral intervention at the 30th session of the UN Human Rights Council that drew attention to the Bahraini[…]

الاسماعيليون في نجران بين تجاهل الدولة وتكرار هجمات داعش

التفجير الارهابي الثاني الذي يستهدف مسجداً للطائفة الاسماعيلية جنوب غرب المملكة العربية السعودية، ولا يبدو انه الاخير في حال استمرت حالة الانفلات الامني جراء الاشتباكات المستمرة على الحدود مع اليمن، فضلا عن دلالات الوثيقة الرسمية التي تم تداولها بعد ساعات من التفجير الاخيرة الذي استهدف مسجد (المشهد) في نجران يوم (الاثنين) الماضي وراح ضحيته 2[…]

At UN, ADHRB, BIRD & ECDHR Encourage Greater Saudi Cooperation with OHCHR

Geneva, Switzerland — 30 September 2015 — On behalf of Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR), and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), ECDHR advocacy associate Isabel Cerda Marcos delivered an oral intervention on Saudi Arabia’s ongoing technical cooperation agreement with the[…]

Newsletter #123

17 International NGOs Voice Support for Joint Statement on Bahrain 25 September 2015 – Following the publishing of a joint statement on the human rights situation in Bahrain by 33 States at the 30th Session of the Human Rights Council, 17 international NGOs sent a letter to the foreign ministries of Albania, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina,[…]

At UN, ADHRB, BIRD, & ECDHR Raise Use of Extraterritorial Censorship in GCC States

Geneva, Switzerland — 28 September 2015 — On behalf of Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR), and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), ECDHR advocacy associate Isabel Cerda Marcos delivered an oral intervention on the extraterritorial censorship of activists and human rights defenders in the Gulf[…]