Newsletter #139

Bahrain | Updates from the Ground | News & Opinion Saudi Arabia | Other Gulf States | UN Complaint Program Bahrain NGOs call for Bahrain hunger striker Dr. al-Singace’s release Marking 300 days of his hunger strike, forty-four international NGOs call for the immediate release of Bahrain prisoner of conscience Dr Abduljalil al-Singace. Dr al-Singace has foregone[…]

NGOs call for Bahrain hunger striker Dr al-Singace’s release

Marking 300 days of his hunger strike, forty-four international NGOs call for the immediate release of Bahrain prisoner of conscience Dr Abduljalil al-Singace. Dr al-Singace has foregone food, and subsisted on water and IV fluid injections for sustenance since 21 March 2015. He began his hunger strike in protest to the worsening conditions in Jau[…]

NGOs Condemn Detention of Saudi Human Rights Defender Samar Badawi

12 January 2016 – Washington, DC – Earlier today, Saudi authorities arrested prominent human rights defender Samar Badawi. She will appear before the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution (BIP) tomorrow, 13 January 2016. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the European Center[…]

Newsletter #138

Bahrain | Updates from the Ground | News & Opinion Saudi Arabia | Other Gulf States | UN Complaint Program Bahrain Dispatch: Bahrain Newspapers Sign Restrictive “Charter of Press Ethics” On 2 December 2015, the Government of Bahrain announced that the editors-in-chief of Bahrain’s six daily newspapers had reviewed and agreed to a new “Charter of Press Ethics” with[…]

Prisoner Profile: Sultan bin Kayed al-Qasimi

Sultan bin Kayed al-Qasimi is a member of the ruling family of the Ras al-Khaimah emirate and a leader of al-Islah (The Reform), a political association in the UAE. On 20 April 2012, armed men dressed in civilian clothes entered al-Qasimi’s home and arrested him. According to his son Abdullah, the men took al-Qasimi to[…]