In countries with limited democratic processes, civil society organizations are essential outlets through which citizens engage with their communities, contribute their ideas on the state, and address domestic human rights issues. However, in Saudi Arabia authorities repress what little opportunity citizens have to participate in nongovernmental associations (NGOs) through an onerous and restrictive licensing policy[…]
Since 2011, Saudi authorities have arrested more than 60 children, among them Ali al-Nimr, Abdullah al-Zaher, Dawood al-Marhoon, Ali al-Rabeh, and Amin Mohammed Aqla al-Ghamidi. It has executed some of them, including al-Rabeh and al-Ghamidi. Others, like al-Nimr, al-Zaher, and al-Marhoon, remain in custody awaiting execution or the death penalty. At least 10 young men[…]
Late last month, the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) acquitted, along with four others, a mother whose daughters accused her of selling them into prostitution in Dubai. The mother, along with her accomplices, lured the girls to the UAE from Pakistan and forced them to work in a massage parlor. The authorities only[…]
Next week, Saudi Arabia will be reviewed by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child regarding its progress in the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). ADHRB submitted its own assessment to the Committee, which highlights a total failure by Saudi Arabia to protect even the most basic[…]
15 September 2016 – Rights groups yesterday wrote to the governments of 50 states urging them to publicly call for the release of Bahraini human rights defender Nabeel Rajab, who faces up to 15 years’ imprisonment for comments he made on Twitter. Last week, Bahrain brought the new charge of “defaming the state” against him,[…]