HRC39 Written Statement: Saudi Arabia’s Ongoing Targeting of Women’s Rights Defenders

Ahead of the 39th session of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council in Geneva, beginning on Monday 10 September, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement for the record raising concerns about Saudi Arabia’s continued targeting and detention of women human rights defenders. Continue reading for the text of[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Husain Mohsen Al-Meftah

Husain Mohsen Al-Meftah is a 32-year-old Bahraini citizen who worked as a guard at the Al-Arian factory prior to his arrest. He was arbitrarily arrested by police officers, forcibly disappeared for over 20 days, and tortured into confessing to the charges against him. Husain currently awaits his appeal in Jau Prison. On 8 November 2015,[…]

HRC39 Written Statement: Conditions in Bahrain’s Jau Prison

Ahead of the 39th session of the United Nation’s Human Rights Council in Geneva, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement addressing poor conditions of detention in Bahrain’s notorious Jau Prison. Continue reading for the text of the statement or click here for a PDF of the statement. Conditions[…]

GCC Cases Raised in the HRC 39 Special Procedures Joint Communications Report

Bahrain Bahrain JUA 29 Mar 2018 BHR 3/2018 Mandates: arbitrary detention, freedom of opinion and expression, human rights defenders, health Alleged victims: 1 Information received concerning the ill-treatment and sentencing of Mr. Nabeel Rajab. “Serious concern is expressed at the sentencing of Mr. Rajab to two and five year prison sentences on the basis of[…]

US Urges Bahrain to end Reprisals against Nabeel Rajab, Sheikh Isa Qassim, Sheikh Ali Salman, and other Civil Society Leaders

31 August 2018 – The United Stated (US) Department of State says it has urged Bahrain to stop its attacks on civil society activists and political opposition leaders according to a communication issued earlier this month. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomes the State Department’s comments and urges it to publicly[…]