German Green Party Spokesman Condemns Bahrain’s Elections as a “Farce”

26 November 2018 – On Saturday 24 November, as the Government of Bahrain held the elections for the Consultative Council, its 40-seat lower house of parliament, the spokesman for foreign affairs of Germany’s Green Party, Omid Nouripour, issued a statement condemning the elections as unfree and unfair. In his statement, Mr. Nouripour goes on to[…]

As Expected, Bahrain’s Parliamentary Elections Were Neither Free Nor Fair

26 November 2018 – This past weekend, on 24 November 2018, Bahrain held elections for the 40 seats of the lower house of parliament. As expected, these elections occurred with severe restrictions placed on civil and political society by the Bahraini government. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) strongly condemns Bahrain’s sham[…]

PRESS RELEASE: Free Saudi Women Coalition Partners Call for an End to the Torture of Women Human Rights Defenders

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WORLD | 26 November 2018 – Since May 2018, at least a dozen women’s rights defenders have been arrested and subject to human rights violations for their activism in Saudi Arabia. Recent reports have emerged that some of the detained women activists have been subject to electrocution, flogging, sexual harassment and other[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Habib Ali Mubarak

Habib Ali Mubarak is a 32-year-old Bahraini from Jad Hafes. He was disappeared, tortured, and convicted in an unfair trial, and his wife and infant son were imprisoned and held for eight months following his arrest. He remains in Jau Prison. On 21 October 2014, officers in plain clothing and masks, officers from the Special[…]

ADHRB Condemns White House’s Weak Stance on the Saudi Crown Prince’s Role in Khashoggi’s Murder

21 November 2018 – Yesterday, 20 November 2018, United States (US) President Donald Trump issued a statement on the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, addressing the question of the Saudi Crown Prince’s involvement. The statement, lauding the Gulf Kingdom’s crucial role in protecting US national security interests, starkly overlooked the likely role Crown Prince[…]