HRC42 Written Statement: The imprisonment of Women’s Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia

Ahead of the 42nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement to the Council concerning Saudi Arabia’s targeting of women human rights defenders for arrest, detention, and torture and ill treatment. Continue reading below for the full text of the statement,[…]

Statement from Hunger Striker on Jau Prison Conditions

 23 August 2019 – Bahraini prisoner Ali Fakhrawi, one of hundreds of Bahraini prisoners on hunger strike, sent a voice recording from Jau Prison, detailing the appalling conditions for individuals in the “isolation” buildings – while they are not held in solitary confinement, they are held with individuals with which they do not share a[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Hasan Ali Saleh

Hasan Ali Saleh is a 16-year-old Bahraini who was arrested in 2018 without a warrant during a raid on his father’s home. Hasan was forcibly disappeared, interrogated without a lawyer, tortured, and sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment in an unfair trial. He remains at New Dry Dock, the section of Jau Prison reserved for males[…]

Launch of Multilingual Website on Bahraini Prisoners of Conscience

The European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR), along with Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) and Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), launches a new and innovative website: The Cost of Freedom in Bahrain. The website, which highlights the cases of Bahraini prisoners of conscience, is the first of[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Abdulla Jaafar Yusuf

Abdulla Jaafar Yusuf is a 14-year-old Bahraini citizen. Bahraini authorities arrested him in 2018 without a warrant at a religious assembly, interrogated him without a lawyer present, and subjected him to an unfair trial. He is currently imprisoned in the Juvenile Care Center. On 22 September 2018, Abdulla attended a procession in Diah to commemorate[…]