Bahrain: Free Imprisoned Rights Defenders and Activists

Extend Releases to Those at Special Risk of COVID-19 April 6, 2020- Amid the global threat posed by COVID-19, Bahraini authorities should release human rights defenders, opposition activists, journalists and all others imprisoned solely for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and association, a coalition of 21 rights groups said today. For[…]

Rights Groups to Bahrain: Respect Religious Freedom and end Systematic Discrimination

3 April, 2020 – Twenty-two international religious rights group written to the King of Bahrain raising serious concerns regarding ongoing religious freedom violations in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in particular against the kingdom’s Shia Muslim citizens and surrounding important Shia religious dates and events, as well as political marginalization based on religion. The letter which[…]

Political Prisoner Recounts Painful Memories of 10 March 2015 in Letter Marking Fifth Anniversary

10 March 2020 – Political prisoner Ali AlHajee wrote a letter marking the mass beatings of prisoners that took place on this day five years ago in Jau Prison, recounting the three month policy of collective punishment endured by prisoners in the form of physical and psychological torture. Though only a minority of prisoners participated[…]

Members of the European Parliament Send Letters to King Hamad of Bahrain and High Representative Josep Borrell on Death Sentence of Mohamed Ramadhan and Hussain Moosa

9 March 2020 – On 6 March 2020, 44 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) sent a letter to King Hamad bin Isa of Bahrain, and 45 MEPs sent a letter to the European Union Minister of Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell. Both letters requested urgent protection of the lives of two Bahraini torture survivors: Mohamed Ramadhan and[…]

UAE: Freedom of expression must be upheld at all times, not only tolerated during Hay Festival Abu Dhabi

Open Letter from Over 50 NGOs and Individuals to the UAE authorities 24 February 2020- As the Hay Festival Abu Dhabi opens on 25-28 February 2020 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), we the undersigned call on the Emirati authorities to demonstrate their respect for the right to freedom of expression by freeing all human[…]