Landslide Call by 60 MEPs to the King of Bahrain to Release All Political Prisoners

On the 17th of  June 2020, 60 MEPs sent a letter to the King of Bahrain demanding the release of the rest of political detainees in Bahrain, who had been left out of the prior prison release on March 17th 2020. Read the full letter HERE The Bahraini government cited that the reason for the[…]

The Cordoba Football Club: A New Tool of Sport Whitewash to Cover Human Rights Violations in Bahrain

13 May 2020 – Yesterday, the Spanish national newspaper El Mundo the second largest newspaper in the country published an article denouncing the latest Bahraini ruling family’s attempt to bolster their public image, following their purchase and control of the Cordoba Football Club. The club was acquired by the Bahraini Infinity Company last December, and[…]

Spanish Government Responds to MP Joan Baldoví’s Questions Referring to the Status of Political Prisoners in Bahrain

The deputy of Coalició Compromís, MP Joan Baldoví, posed a series of questions to the government relating to the Spanish government’s view and intention regarding the Government of Bahrain’s record of human rights violations, requesting a written response. His questions queried the Spanish Government’s actions in relation to the plight of political prisoners, the precise[…]

Rights Group Urge US Congress to Support Global Magnitsky Enforcement

The initiative led by Freedom House, letters in support of congressional funding for implementation of Global Magnitsky sanctions were signed by 50 organizations and individuals, and sent to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. Background: The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (PL 114-328, Subtitle F) allows the president to block US visas and freeze[…]

ADHRB Join 60+ Orgnizations to Congress: No More COVID-19 Money For the Pentagon

Congressional leadership must ensure that future COVID-19 response bills do not include any additional funds for the Pentagon, ADHRB joined 61 organizations representing pro-diplomacy, veteran, faith, environmental, and anti-war communities, and more, from across the country, said in a letter on 22 April. The letter, led by Win Without War, states that the Pentagon’s $756 billion budget provides[…]