WTO Urged To Reject Saudi Arabia’s Nominee For Director General

19 organizations criticize nominee’s complicity in Saudi Arabia’s human rights violations   In a letter released today, 19 organizations across the United States and Europe are urging World Trade Organization member states to reject Saudi Arabia’s nominee for the position of WTO Director General. Saudi Arabia’s nominee Mohammed al-Tuwaijri is a minister-ranked advisor to the[…]

39 French Parliamentarians Call on Bahrain not to Execute two Torture Victims

27 July 2020 – 39 French Parliamentarians wrote to the Government of Bahrain on 23 July 2020, calling on him to commute the death sentences passed against Mohamed Ramadhan and Husain Moosa. This letter, drafted by Député Jacques Maire, joins calls issued by their American, British, Italian, and European colleagues, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human[…]

53 Members of the European Parliament Urged the King of Bahrain to Commute or Pardon 12 men on Death Row

23 July 2020 – 53 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) today wrote to King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa of Bahrain, calling on him to commute the death sentences passed against Maher Abbas al-Khabbaz, Salman Isa Ali Salman, Hussein Abdullah Khalil Ebrahim, Mohammad Radhi Abdulla Hassan, Sayed Ahmed Fuad Abbas Isa Ahmed Al-Abar, Ali Mahdi Jasim[…]

Bahrain: Halt Executions of Two Men Unfairly Convicted – 16 Rights Groups Appeal to King to Commute Sentences

23 July 2020 – King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa of Bahrain should commute the death sentences of Mohamed Ramadan and Hussein Ali Moosa, 16 international and Bahraini rights groups said today in a joint letter to the king. The men were not afforded a fair trial and their allegations of torture were not adequately investigated. Security forces[…]

Death Sentence Upheld for Two Bahraini Torture Victims: Zuhair Ibrahim Jasim Abdullah and Husain Abdulla Khalil Rashid  

Two Bahraini men were tortured into confessing acts of terrorism. With the last instance ruling of the Court of Cassation in Bahrain, Zuhair and Husain are at immediate risk of being executed.   Zuhair Ibrahim Jasim Abdullah, a 40-year-old former restaurateur, is the father of five children and was arrested on 2 November 2017. Following[…]