ADHRB writes open letter to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall ahead of Dubai visit

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) recently sent a letter to the Duchess of Cornwall regarding her upcoming visit to the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children in the United Arab Emirates. The text of the letter is as follows:  Your Royal Highness, On Tuesday 8 November, you will be visiting the[…]

UAE-Oman porous border contributor to human trafficking

Recently, several Indian migrant workers were rescued after having spent months in Buraimi, a small border town in Oman. The women were promised jobs as beauticians in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), but upon arrival in Dubai, they were taken to a house and kept by their traffickers for weeks before they were transported across[…]

EVENT SUMMARY: “Living as Commodities: Human trafficking and migrant exploitation in the Arab Gulf”

On 25 October 2016, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), along with Bahrain Institute for Rights & Democracy (BIRD), and Amnesty International co-hosted a panel at the United Kingdom Houses of Parliament. The event coincided with the release of ADHRB’s newest report, Living as Commodities: Human and sex trafficking in the GCC,[…]

UAE Supreme Court Postpones the Trial of Academic Nasser Bin Ghaith

On 17 October, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) government postponed the trial of academic Dr. Nasser Bin Ghaith for the seventh consecutive time. Bin Ghaith’s trial will resume on 14 November 2016 when the defense team will present before the State Security Chamber of the Supreme Court. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain[…]

#Tried4Tweets: @N_BinGhaith – Nasser Bin Ghaith

Emirati economist Dr. Nasser Bin Ghaith has over 36,000 Twitter followers, none of whom have seen a post from him since 17 August 2015 – the last day he was a free man. On 18 August, security forces in civilian clothing arrested the prominent academic. Emirati security forces held Dr. Bin Ghaith incommunicado for eight[…]