ADHRB submits stakeholder report on implementation of the UAE’s UPR recommendations to the UN

Ahead of the third cycle of the United Nations (UN) Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights (UPR) for the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a stakeholder report assessing the UAE’s compliance with second-cycle recommendations to adhere to international treaties and human rights mechanisms; guarantee the rights[…]

ADHRB Calls for GCC Labor Reform on International Migrants Day

18 December 2017 – The six states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) – Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Oman – rely heavily on migrant labor and are noted for widespread and systematic migrant rights abuses. These violations largely stem from the GCC-wide use of the kafala system of labor[…]

On International Human Rights Day, Systematic Abuses Persist in the GCC

11 December 2017 – Yesterday, 10 December 2017, marked International Human Rights Day, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). In honor of this occasion, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) reiterates our call for all governments around the world to protect and promote fundamental human rights[…]

Dispatch: The Holiday Season is no Time for Celebration in the Gulf

As the United States (US) Government prepares to turn in for the holiday season – with Congress set to go on recess by the end of next week – its counterparts in the Arab Gulf are readying for an entirely different tradition. Over the last several years, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states – and[…]

ADHRB Marks World Children’s Day 2017

Today, 20 November 2017, marks the 63rd celebration of the United Nations (UN) Children’s Day. Established in 1954, World/Universal Children’s Day aims to encourage and empower children across the world, to promote international togetherness and awareness among children, and improve children’s welfare. Today also serves as the anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration[…]