UAE: Strong Ally of the West with a Turbulent Torture Record

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government has an extensive history of using torture against those they percieve as a threat; this ‘threat’ most commonly includes human rights defenders, political opposition, religious figures, and journalists. On 19 July 2012, the UAE acceded to the United Nations Convention against Torture (UNCAT), which details obligations that the government[…]

ADHRB submits reports ahead of Oman’s Universal Periodic Review

Ahead of Oman’s third cycle Universal Periodic Review, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a report assessing freedom of expression in Oman titled Concerning Systematic Restrictions on the Rights to Freedom of Expression in the Sultanate of Oman. The report addresses the current policies, practices, and law which criminalize and hinder[…]

Systematic Attack on Freedom of Expression in Oman

  Authority forces from the Internal Security Service (ISS) in Oman have been active in targeting pro-reform activists for criticizing the Omani government on social media. After the Arab Spring Uprisings in 2011, Oman intensified the restriction on free expression in the country. Human Rights Watch (HRW) has reported an obvious pattern of repression on[…]

Beyond its Borders: Systematic Human Rights Violations in Bahrain

30 March 2020 – At least six of the more than 1500 Bahrainis thought to be trapped in Iran have died since the beginning of March, as Bahrain’s government faces rising criticism for repeated failed attempts to bring home citizens stranded by disruptions to air travel caused by Coronavirus.  Bahrain has no diplomatic relationship with[…]

UAE: UN Experts Raise Serious Concerns over Conditions of Detention

March 19 – On March 17 2020, United Nations (UN) human rights experts urged the United Arab Emirates to conduct an investigation into, and reform prisons where conditions of detention are said to amount to “torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”. The UN experts are quoted saying: the “UAE has the responsibility[…]