Hasan Asad Jasim Jasim Nesaif was a 20-year-old Bahraini student when he was arrested without a warrant in an ambush in the al-Naim area following a raid on his family home. Hasan was tortured and subjected to several human rights violations, including his right to due process and a fair trial. He is currently held[…]
A member of the Belgian Senate, Philippe Courard, tabled a written question to the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sophie Wilmes, regarding the current COVID-19 outbreak in Bahraini prisons. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomes this parliamentary question and thanks Senator Courard for bringing attention to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in[…]
9 April 2021 – Family members of several prominent political prisoners have been detained in Bahrain over their participation in peaceful demonstration’s calling for the release of political prisoners, including Mohammed AlDaqqaq and death row inmate Mohammed Ramadhan, amid a crackdown on protests sparked by a severe and ongoing outbreak of coronavirus at Jau Prison,[…]
On the morning of April 6, 2021, the family of Bahraini political detainee Abbas Malallah, who had been serving out a 15-year sentence in Jau prison, read the shocking news of his death on the website of the Bahraini Ministry of the Interior. The statement listed a heart attack as the cause of death, and[…]
Ali Naser Ahmed, the grandson of the spiritual leader of the Shia community in Bahrain, Sheikh Isa Qasim, was a 22-year-old Industrial Secondary School student when he was arrested without a warrant by Bahraini authorities during a raid on his home. Ali was tortured, forced to sign a confession to crimes he did not commit,[…]