Profile in Prosecution: Mohamed Saeed AlHendi

Mohamed Saeed AlHendi, a 36-year-old who worked in IT, was arrested without a warrant during a raid by masked officers at his home. He was then subjected to physical and psychological torture and forced to confess. Mohamed is currently held in Jau Prison Building 7, serving his sentence. On the 3rd of November 2015, at[…]

Profile in Persecution: Abdulla AbdulKarim AlAnjawi

Abdulla AbdulKarim AlAnjawi is a 23-year-old Bahraini national who was arrested without a warrant from his home by Bahraini authorities in the beginning of 2021. He has been subjected to torture and ill-treatment both during interrogations and while in detention at Jau prison, where he is serving his sentence. At dawn on the 4th of[…]

Senate Bill Calls for Unconditional Release of Bahraini Political Prisoners, Report on U.S. State Department’s Efforts to Secure their Release

A bill released by the Senate Appropriations Committee yesterday addresses head-on the ongoing violations of human rights by the Government of Bahrain. “Chairman Christopher Coons and the Senate Appropriations Committee have shined a bright light on the brutality and inhumanity of the Government of Bahrain against its own people,” said Husain Abdulla, Executive Director of[…]

Three French MPs draw attention to the ongoing human rights situation in Bahrain, asking the Foreign Minister to respond to mounting allegations of violations, with specific reference to the cases of Hassan Mushaima and Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace

 Two Members of Parliament (MPs) for France drew the attention of the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, to the worrying human rights situation in Bahrain. This was supported by further comments made on October 12, 2021, by another MP. All MPs made explicit reference to the concerning state of political opposition[…]

Profile in Persecution: Husain Jaafar AbdulRedha Jaafar Mohamed

Husain Jaafar Mohamed was a 19-year-old Bahraini student when he was arrested in 2014, which prevented him from completing his studies. After being convicted in multiple cases, he is currently serving his prison sentence in Jau Prison, and has been denied contact with his family on multiple occasions. Husain was pursued by authorities for around[…]