Joint Letter: Free Dr Abduljalil Al-Singace after a year and half of hunger strike

15 January 2023 King of Bahrain, Hamad bin ‘Issa Al Khalifa Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Your Majesties, We, the undersigned, write to you once more concerning the case of Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace, an academic, award-winning activist and blogger who is serving a life sentence in Bahrain solely for[…]

Profile in persecution: Husain Abdulla Marhoon Rashed

Husain Abdulla Marhoon Rashed is a 31 years old bahraini from Al Diraz, who was warrantlessly arrested in 2017, tortured and charged in a terrorist case. He faced numerous violations in fair trial procedures, which led him to confess to the charges brought against him. He was sentenced to death, and after exhausting all legal[…]

Profile in Persecution: Ahmed Abdulla Marhoon Rashed

Ahmed Abdulla Marhoon Rashed is a 34-year-old Bahraini from Diraz, who was the goalkeeper for Al-Itifaq club and the Bahraini national football team. He was warrantlessly arrested from his home, charged in the terrorism case known as “Al-Ashtar Brigades,” and is currently detained at Dry Dock Detention Center awaiting the court verdict. Ahmed was initially[…]

Profile in Persecution: Husain Ali Al-Sahlawi (Updated)

Husain Ali Al-Sahlawi was a 26 year-old Bahraini bus driver at  a private company when he was arrested by Bahraini authorities in 2012  on fabricated charges and sentenced in absentia. He was subjected to multiple human rights violations during his arrest, trial, and imprisonment. He is currently serving the remainder of his sentence at Jau[…]

Human Rights Violations Secure ‘Guilty’ Verdicts in Bahrain Courts: The “Al Ashtar Brigades” Case

United Nations body recognizes violations of international law by Bahrain During its 94th session, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued its opinion regarding four Bahraini individuals who were arbitrarily detained in an unfair mass trial of eight defendants. The four young men, Sayed Mujtaba Saeed Alawi Ali AlKhabbaz (a minor at the time of[…]