ADHRB welcomes release of Ghada Jamsheer but calls for remaining sentence to be commuted

On 12 December 2016, Bahraini human rights defender Ghada Jamsheer was released from prison following four months in detention. Bahraini officials arrested Jamsheer and imprisoned her for charges related to tweets she made highlighting corruption in a Bahraini-run government hospital. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights (ADHRB) welcomes the release of Ghada Jamsheer but notes[…]

Bahrain Solidarity Day

15 December 2016 – This past year the Government of Bahrain drastically increased its suppression of Bahraini civil and political society. Today, Bahraini human rights organizations stand in solidarity with the people of Bahrain in the face of systematic human rights abuses in proclaiming the first Bahrain Solidarity Day. In 2011, hundreds of thousands of[…]

Prisoner Profile: Jaffer Demistani

**Update: On 16 May 2018, Jaffer Demistani was released from custody after the government reduced his seven-year sentence. On the night of 22 March 2014, an unmarked civilian pickup truck chased Jaffer Ebrahim Demistani. A group of officers from the Bahraini Ministry of Interior (MoI) stopped Jaffer and arrested him without presenting a warrant. The officers[…]

Al Wefaq Head Ali Salman’s Unfair 9-Year Sentence Upheld

12 December 2016 – An appeals court today upheld the arbitrary 9-year sentence against opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman following an extended and flawed re-trial. The Bahraini government ordered a retrial of the leader of Al-Wefaq in October, but these free expression-related convictions upheld today reflect Bahrain’s continued failure to adhere to international standards of[…]

NGOs urge Obama Administration to address Human Rights at Manama Dialogue

8 December 2016 – NGOs sent a letter today to President Obama, calling on his administration to address human rights violations with Bahraini officials during the Manama Dialogue this weekend. Please see the text of the letter below. 8 December 2016 President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear[…]