HRC36 Bahrain Intervention: Item 8 and Bahrain’s Labor Rights Violations

On 25 September, at the 36th session of the Human Rights Council, Husain Jawad Parweez delivered an oral intervention on behalf of ADHRB under the Item 8 General Debate. In his intervention, Parweez called attention to Bahrain’s continued disregard for international labor commitments, particularly labor violations stemming from economic reprisals levied against activists for their[…]

HRC36 Saudi Intervention: Item 8 and Arrests of Peaceful Political Dissidents

On 25 September, at the 36th session of the Human Rights Council, Tyler Pry, an Advocacy Associate at ADHRB, delivered a joint oral intervention under the Item 8 General Debate on behalf of ADHRB and the European-Saudi Organisation for Human Rights (ESOHR). In his intervention, Pry highlighted the recent arrests of over 40 individuals by[…]

HRC36 Bahrain and Saudi Intervention: UK’s Complicity in GCC Rights Abuses

On 25 September, at the 36th session of the Human Rights Council, an ADHRB Advocacy Associate delivered an oral intervention on the United Kingdom’s failure to address several of its UPR recommendations. The intervention, in particular addressed recommendations relating to the treatment of refugees and asylees and legal and policy concerns over the UK’s complicity[…]

HRC36 Bahrain Intervention: Bahrain’s Failure to Implement its UPR Recommendations

On 25 September at the 36th session of the Human Rights Council, Yusuf al-Hoori delivered an oral intervention on behalf of ADHRB during the Item 6 General Debate. In his intervention, al-Hoori highlighted the Bahraini government’s failure to implement its UPR recommendations, including its judicial harassment of human rights defenders and civil and political society[…]

HRC36 Bahrain Intervention: Failure to Abide by UPR and BICI Recommendations

On 21 September at the 36th session of the Human Rights Council, Jawad Fairooz delivered an oral intervention on behalf of ADHRB at Bahrain’s 3rd Cycle UPR review. In his intervention, Fairooz discussed Bahrain’s refusal to implement its previous UPR recommendations as well as its consistent refusal to implement the 26 Bahrain Independent Commission of[…]