HRC46 Written Statement: Political Prisoners in Bahrain

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement, to the Human Rights Council during its 46th session concerning Political Prisoners in Bahrain. Continue reading below for the full text of the statement, or click here for PDF  

HRC46 Written Statement: Ongoing Detention of Women’s Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement, to the Human Rights Council during its 46th session concerning Ongoing Detention of Women’s Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia. Continue reading below for the full text of the statement, or click here for PDF

HRC46 Written Statement: Environmental Violations committed by the Government of Bahrain

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement, to the Human Rights Council during its 46th session concerning Environmental Violations committed by the Government of Bahrain. Continue reading below for the full text of the statement, or click here for PDF

HRC46 Written Statement: The Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) submitted a written statement, to the Human Rights Council during its 46th session concerning The Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen and the Involvement of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Continue reading below for the full text of the statement, or click here for PDF

ADHRB Call on the Council to hold Bahrain and it’s Supporter Accountable for Human Rights Violations in the Country

 On 19 March, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 46 during interactive debate under item 8.   Madam President The Implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action calls for democracy, the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Yet, democracy is only possible if people[…]