Joint Statement: Bahrain Must Immediately Release Human Rights Defender Ali AlHajee

24 human rights organisations call for the immediate release of Bahraini activist Ali AlHajee, detained on 28 February 2025 for “misusing social media.” His arrest is part of a broader crackdown on activists, especially around Formula 1 events. See the full statement below: Joint Statement: Bahrain must immediately free detained human rights defender Ali AlHajee[…]

Profile in Persecution: Abbas Muslem AbdulHusain Juma

Abbas Muslem AbdulHusain Juma was an 18-year-old school student when Bahraini authorities brutally arrested him on 26 August 2024 without a warrant while he was on his way to his grandfather’s house. During his detention, he has endured torture, denial of family visits, deprivation of lawyer access, unfair trials, and medical neglect. He is currently[…]

ADHRB at #HRC58 Holds Bahrain Accountable for Torturing Minors

On March 3, 2025, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 58th session under item 3 during the Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Adhrb drew the council’s attention to the ongoing torture in Bahrain’s prisons, where political prisoners, especially minors,[…]

ADHRB at HRC58: Stop Bahrain’s Systematic Abuse of Political Prisoners

On March 3, 2025, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 58th session under Item 2 during the General Debate. ADHRB highlighted Bahrain’s continued reprisals against political prisoners in Jau Prison, who endure beatings, 24-hour handcuffing, isolation, medical neglect, and the denial of basic rights. We express deep concern over Bahrain’s[…]

Profile in Persecution: AbdulAziz Husain AlHammadi

15-year-old minor and school student AbdulAziz Husain AlHammadi was arrested by Bahraini authorities on 20 October 2024 from his home without a warrant. During his detention, he endured enforced disappearance, torture, denial of family contact and visits, denial of lawyer access, unfair trial, malnutrition, medical neglect, and deprivation of his right to education. He is[…]