Rebuild the Pearl Roundabout in Washington!

To donate, click here. اضغط هنا من أجل نسخة الإعلان العربية In February-March 2011, almost half of the population of Bahrain rose up to call for their rights to inclusive and representative government, an end to violence and torture by security forces, and democratic reform. At the center of the uprising was the Pearl Roundabout,[…]

Urgent Action: Detention of Ali Isa al-Tajer

International attention may be Ali’s only hope to end his abuse and secure his release. Click here for details on how to send a letter to Bahrain’s king urging his immediate release. Ali Isa Ali al-Tajer is a Bahraini citizen and the brother of Mohamed al-Tajer, a prominent human rights lawyer and human rights defender[…]

Send Your Support to Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace in Bahrain!

As Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace’s protest nears its 250th day, join Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) and Scholars at Risk in pressuring authorities to revisit his conviction and ensure his well-being. Scholars at Risk calls on supporters to send letters, emails, and faxes respectfully urging the relevant authorities to reconsider any convictions related to Dr. al-Singace’s peaceful[…]