Campaign: Americans against Child Torture in Bahrain

10 March 2025 – Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain, in tandem with Human Rights Watch, today launched a campaign to end the torture of children in Bahrain. As part of that campaign, we are calling on our supporters in the United States to contact their representatives in Congress – including their Congressperson[…]

Formula One in Bahrain: A Distraction from Repression

For two decades, the host has been a staple of the Formula One calendar. But behind the glitz and speed of the race lies a troubling reality: Bahrain’s use of F1 to use its ongoing human rights abuses. The government leverages this high-profile sporting event to polish its international image, while simultaneously silencing dissent, imprisoning[…]

F1 & the issue of sportswashing: what can be done?

In 2004, Formula 1 (F1) declared its Grand Prix races in Bahrain. Headlines were made as Bahrain hosted the first race of its kind in the Middle East. It was celebrated so much to be given the title for best organized grand prix by the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA). The races continued throughout seasons,[…]

#UnmuteSaudiVoices: Open Letter to Saudi King and Crown Prince to take action and stop the repression of the civic space

ATTN: King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, ATTN: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman الشمالي الفرعي، 7482 الطريق الدائري، 7482، 2277 Northern Ring Branch Rd, An Nakhil, Riyadh 12385, Riyadh 11515, Saudi Arabia December 5, 2024   Your Majesty and your Royal Highness, We write to draw your attention to the grave human rights situation in[…]

ADHRB Raises the Alarm Over Cuts to Electricity and Water and Denial of Medical Care for Protesting Prisoners in Jau Prison – Urges Immediate Action

ADHRB is expressing its deep concerns about the recent reports of escalating human rights violations that are occurring at Jau Prison in Bahrain. The new escalation of cutting off electricity and water on extremely hot summer days to protesting  prisoners  while denying them medical care,  is the newest form of retaliation by prison officials and[…]