Profiles in Persecution: Salah Saeed AlHammar

Salah Saeed AlHammar is a 26-year-old Bahraini citizen, who was arbitrarily detained, tortured, and later placed in solitary confinement after participating in a hunger strike to protest the poor prison conditions. Salah remains imprisoned at Jau Prison. In mid-December 2011, officials arrested Salah in the street without providing a warrant. Salah was charged with illegal[…]

Profile in Persecution: Hani Mohamed AlNajjar

Hani Mohamed AlNajjar is a 25-year-old administrative assistant and Bahraini citizen. Hani suffers from muscular dystrophy and requires a three-hour long physiotherapy session each week. His condition causes a chronic weakness in his upper and lower limbs, making it difficult for him to walk and perform certain life functions without assistance. Before his arrest and[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Isa Jaafar AlAbd

Isa Jaafar AlAbd is a 24-year-old Bahraini and former employee of the K & K Food Company. He has been arrested multiple times, beaten by authorities, and denied medical care during detention. Isa has suffered from a heart condition since birth and has undergone numerous surgeries as a result, and his condition has worsened during[…]

Profiles in Persecution: Ali AbdulAziz Mohamed

Ali AbdulAziz Mohamed is a 19-year-old Bahraini student who was arrested, arbitrarily detained, tortured, and refused proper medical treatment by prison officials. In protest of the poor prison conditions, Ali went on a hunger strike in May 2019. He is currently imprisoned in New Dry Dock, the section of Jau Prison reserved for inmates under[…]

At HRC42 ADHRB Drew Attention to the Reprisals Faced by Bahraini Activists

Today, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) delivered an oral intervention at the 42nd Session of the Human Rights Council under General Debate of item 4. ADHRB drew attention on the personal experience of Moosa Mohammed, a Bahraini activist who has been tortured, denaturalized and almost murdered by the personnel of the[…]