Profile in Persecution: Ahmed Jasim Mohamed

Ahmed Jasim Mohamed was warrantlessly arrested in 2017, tortured, and sentenced to life imprisonment in an unfair trial. He is currently serving his sentence in Jau Prison and has been held incommunicado since August. On 13 July 2017, Ahmed’s house was surrounded by at least 10 armored jeeps at 3 a.m., and riot forces and[…]

Profile in Persecution: Hussain Ali Ayyad

Hussain Ali Ayyad was 19 years old, still a student from AlShakhoora, when officers from the Bahraini Ministry of Interior arrested him in 2017. He was tortured and sentenced in an unfair trial and is currently serving a lengthy sentence in Jau Prison. On 27 February 2017, armed civilian officers and riot police raided Hussain’s[…]

Profile in Persecution: Husain Ali Khairalla

Husain Ali Khairalla was only 16 years old when officers from Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior arrested him on political motivations in 2015. He was consequently tortured and convicted in several unfair trials. He is currently serving his sentence in Jau Prison. On 24 May 2015, Husain, still a high school student, was arrested in Bani[…]

Profile in Persecution: Mohamed Abduljalil Abdulla

Mohamed Abduljalil Abdulla was arrested without a warrant in 2016 from his house in Bahrain. Now 34 years old, Mohamed was never informed of the charges against him. He has been subjected to numerous due process violations during his unfair imprisonment. On 3 July 2016, officers in civilian clothing raided Mohamed’s house and warrantlessly arrested[…]

Profile in Persecution: Husain Arafat Naiser

Husain Naiser is a 16-year-old Bahraini student who was arrested for participating in a peaceful demonstration condemning the normalization agreement between Bahrain and the Israeli occupation. He is currently held in New Dry Dock Prison, serving a one-year-sentence. On 15 June 2022, Husain’s father received a call requesting that he take his son to AlKhamis[…]