Kuwait: End Discrimination and Provide Nationality for Bidoon Population

The Government of Kuwait must cease human rights violations against its own Bidoon population. Since Kuwait gained independence in 1961, the government has perpetrated a continuous system of institutionalized discrimination, repression, and degrading treatment against the Bidoon, a stateless minority. These acts violate fundamental human rights of the Bidoon, as well as international law obligations[…]

European involvement in the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

While the US is considered the biggest supporter of the Saudi led war in Yemen they are far from the only western actor involved in supplying arms and support to the coalition despite their intimate knowledge of the extremely high civilian casualties and deliberate tactics employed by the coalition to starve Yemen into submission. France,[…]

Dispatch on US and UK involvement in war crimes in Yemen

Overview of the Conflict Since the war began in 2015 coalition forces have regularly violated international humanitarian law through unlawful airstrikes which targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure including mosques, hospitals, schools, homes, and markets, the use of banned cluster munitions, engaging in a pattern of enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention and torture of perceived political opponents[…]

Bahrain’s “Sports Whitewashing” in Europe:

The terms “Sports Whitewashing” or “Sports Washing” are used to qualify a technique whereby states with poor human rights records cover their negative international reputations by associating themselves with diverse sport events or competitions of international importance. The boxing match between Andy Ruiz and Anthony Joshua for the World Heavyweight Championship which took place in[…]

European-Bahraini relations: How the EU has favoured commercial interests over the integrity of its own citizens

Since 2011 the European Union’s (EU) diplomatic engagement with Bahrain has been far from reaching the laudable human rights standards the organization set for itself. Since the 1990’s, an anthology of EU legislation and official declarations have presented the EU as an inherently value-based organization. Article 21 of the Treaty on European Union provides that[…]