Projected Increase of Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Qatar

With the FIFA World Cup approaching, Qatar is seeking to hire 300,000 more workers from Bangladesh within the next three years. Overpopulation, environmental degradation, widespread poverty, and underemployment are all motivating factors for the high numbers of mostly male migrants who leave Bangladesh to look for employment abroad. Qatar reportedly plans to hire Bangladeshi nationals[…]

Confederation of African Football endorses Sheikh Salman for FIFA presidency

Bahrain’s Sheikh Salman bin Ibrahim al-Khalifa gained a major boost in his bid to become the next FIFA president when he received the endorsement of the Confederation of African Football (CAF) on Friday February 5th 2016. The 54-nation body of the CAF endorsed Sheikh Salman unanimously. Sheikh Salman al-Khalifa is a member of Bahrain’s royal[…]

Saudi Women Are Separated in Councils

Although Saudi women were permitted to vote and run for political positions in December 2015, the government has required the 17 women who gained elected seats in municipal councils (out of 978 candidates) to sit in separate rooms and only communicate electronically with their male counterparts. This move upset women activists, but government ministers quickly[…]

Politicians Face Increased Pressure to End Military Deals with Saudi Arabia

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently faced increased pressure to put a stop to the sale of LAVs (Light Armored Vehicles) to the Saudi National Guard. Thus heightened pressure comes partly as a result of a recent poll conducted by The Globe and Mail. The poll’s results reveal that the majority of Canadians believe that[…]