Irish MEP Tabled Questions about the Plight of Political Prisoners in Bahrain

 MEP Chris MacManus submitted a written question to the European Commission. His question was submitted to Mr. Joseph Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomes these parliamentary questions and thanks MEP Chris MacManus for[…]

Several Paris-based NGOs call upon the Mairie de Paris to cease all form of support for Bahrain “sport-washing” campaign

Since 2011, the Bahraini government violently represses any form of opposition and violates the human rights of its population. A number of political opponents have been sentenced to death by the authorities because of their involvement in the pro-democracy movement. Yet since July 2020, the Kingdom of Bahrain also owns 20% of the shares of[…]

Bahrain: “Social Media Misuse” and Suppression of Dissent Violate ICCPR

ADHRB remains deeply concerned about the continued systematic suppression of dissent in Bahrain. This occurs through the reduction of freedom of expression and social media usage of individuals, and has pervaded the legal system by way of the Press and Media Bill drafted by the Cabinet of Bahrain in 2019. This bill was drafted to[…]

A Belgian Senator and Member of Parliament Tabled Questions About the Human Rights Situation in Bahrain

On 18 November 2020, MP Hugues Bayet submitted a question in the Belgian Parliament Chamber and on 24 November 2020, another question was submitted in the Belgian Senate by Senator Bert Anciaux. Both Senator Anciaux and MP Bayet’s questions were submitted to Madame Sophie Wilmès, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, European[…]

Profile in Persecution: Mohamed AbdulNabi Abdulla (Al-Khoor)

Mohamed AbdulNabi Abdulla, also known as Mohamed Al-Khoor, was an 18-year-old law student at the University of Bahrain, in addition to working as a bus driver, when he was arbitrarily arrested by Bahraini authorities on 29 August 2014. During his detention, he was subjected to several human rights violations. He is currently held at the[…]