Profile in Persecution: Husain Jaafar AbdulRedha Jaafar Mohamed

Husain Jaafar Mohamed was a 19-year-old Bahraini student when he was arrested in 2014, which prevented him from completing his studies. After being convicted in multiple cases, he is currently serving his prison sentence in Jau Prison, and has been denied contact with his family on multiple occasions. Husain was pursued by authorities for around[…]

Bahrain’s Repression of Online Dissent an Egregious Violation of Freedom of Expression

In response to increasing citizen protest and activism online, especially during and after the 2011 pro-democracy movement in Bahrain, the Government of Bahrain intensified its efforts to silence peaceful criticism and intimidate activists online. Along with its overly broad and vague anti-terror law, Bahrain cracks down on dissent online through cybercrime legislation, including the Information[…]

Profile in Persecution: Sayed Husain Saeed AlKhabbaz

Sayed Husain Saeed AlKhabbaz was a 17-year-old student when Bahraini authorities warrantlessly arrested him while he was in his car with his friends. Since his arrest, Sayed Husain has suffered ill-treatment and political discrimination at the hands of the Bahraini prison authorities. He remains in Jau Prison, completing the last years of his sentence. On[…]

At HRC48 ADHRB at Human Rights Council raises systematic religious discrimination in Bahrain during Ashora

On 5 October, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 48 under item 9 to  raises systematic religious discrimination in Bahrain during Ashora. Madame President, We would like to raise our deep concerns about the systematic religious discrimination which the Shia citizens of Bahrain are facing especially during[…]

At HRC 48 ADHRB calls on the government of Bahrain to stop hate speech campaigns against citizens

On 5 October, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 48 under item 9 to calls on the government of Bahrain to stop hate speech campaigns against citizens. Madam President, The DDPA recognizes “with deep concern religious intolerance against religious communities and their members.” It also “urges States[…]