Profile in persecution: Hasan Abdulla Ahmed

Hasan Abdulla Ahmed was only 19 years old when he was arrested without a reason or warrant. He is currently held in Jau Prison, where he suffers from various medical conditions amidst medical negligence and ambiguity at the hands of the administration. On 31 July 2014, Hasan was on his way to Mecca to perform[…]

Profile in Persecution: Habib AbdulHusain Hasan

Habib AbdulHusain Hasan, a 17-year-old high school student when he was beaten and warrantlessly arrested. He was consequently tortured and subjected to fair trial violations. He is currently serving his sentence in Jau Prison. On 5 November 2015, Habib was arrested by riot police and officers in civilian clothing.  Habib was chased and took shelter[…]

Four Irish deputies question the Minister for Foreign Affairs on Bahrain’s human rights record action he intends to take and the case of Dr Abduljalil Alsingace

 Four different Irish Deputies were able to address the Foreign Minister directly about the ongoing human rights violations in Bahrain as well as the case of Dr Abduljalil Alsingace. On Tuesday 30th, Deputy Brendan Griffin who is a representative of the Fine Gael party, asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs his views in relation to[…]

New US Ambassador to Bahrain Steven Bondy Must Put Human Rights at the Center of US Agenda

On December 18, 2021, the United States Senate confirmed Steven C. Bondy to be the next US Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain. Bahrain is an egregious and unrepentant abuser of the human rights of its own people according to the US State Department and major human rights monitoring organizations. “In the wake of President[…]

Profile in Persecution: Ali Ebrahim AlZaki

Ali Ebrahim AlZaki was a 20-year-old Bahraini student when he was arrested while seeking medical treatment. He was tortured from that moment on until his forced confession. He is currently held in Jau Prison, where he faces mistreatment and medical negligence. Ali AlZaki was arrested on 19 April 2014 at AlBudaiya Health Center. Authorities surrounded[…]