Profile in Persecution: Yusuf Ahmed Kadhem

Yusuf Ahmed Kadhem, a 21-year-old political prisoner, has been arrested several times on various charges pertaining to his political activism and participation in peaceful demonstrations. He was last arrested in June 2022 and is currently serving his sentence at Jau Prison. Yusuf was first arrested on 23 September 2018, and he was detained for three[…]

Profile in Persecution: Sheikh Mohamed Habib al-Miqdad

Sheikh Mohamed Habib al-Miqdad, a prominent Bahraini-Swedish social activist and religious figure, is currently still serving his prison sentence at Jau prison. He is a member of the prominent Bahrain 13, a group of activists who were arrested for their participation and leading role in the 2011 pro-democracy protests. Sheikh Mohamed was tortured and abused[…]

Profile in Persecution: Shaikh Ali Salman

Shaikh Ali Salman – a leading member of Al-Wefaq, Bahrain’s largest political opposition group prior to its government enforced dissolution in 2016 – is currently being arbitrarily detained for his peaceful political activities. Shaikh Ali Salman was arrested in 2014 and has been subjected to numerous due process violations during his unfair imprisonment. Shaikh Ali[…]

ADHRB Calls for Urgent Action from Bahrain to Save Prisoners from Tuberculosis and Provide them Necessary Medical Care

A new Tuberculosis outbreak in Jau prison has shed light once again on the scope of medical negligence in Bahrain. New casesare still being recorded and more are expected to test positive in the days to come. The systematic medical negligence that Bahraini authorities have used against political prisoners has often been an issue of[…]

Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs calls for an “immediate moratorium on executions” in Saudi Arabia

Two Irish deputies brought the urgent death row case of Jaafar Mohamed Sultan and Sadeq Majeed Thamer to the attention of the Irish Foreign Minister, Simon Coveney on the 1st of June 2022. These two Bahraini men are on death row in Saudi Arabia, having exhausted all legal remedies and are at risk of imminent[…]