Ombudsman Report Continues to Sidestep Key Human Rights Issues

On 2 June 2016, the Ombudsman of the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Bahrain released its annual report for 2015/2016. The report documents the Ombudsman’s activities throughout the year, describing an office that diligently works to investigate and resolve human rights abuses. We remain concerned that deep and systemic flaws in the Ombudsman’s mandate,[…]

US State Department Releases Overdue Report on Human Rights Situation in Bahrain

After several months delay, the US Department of State has released its report on the Bahraini government’s implementation of the 26 recommendations made by the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) in 2011. The report reviews the progress made on each recommendation from 2011 through to early 2016; it fails to thoroughly examine the government’s[…]

@ADHRB provides live updates regarding Bahrain on Twitter

In the past three weeks, Bahrain has witnessed unrelenting deterioration, the extent of which has been unseen since 2011. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain will continue to provide updates as the situation unfolds in Bahrain on its Twitter feed @ADHRB. On 30 May, the Government of Bahrain increased the sentence of Sheikh[…]

MEPs send a letter to EU Representative on the re-arrest of Nabeel Rajab and the current situation in Bahrain

Dear HR/VP Federica Mogherini, Nabeel Rajab, the prominent human rights defender and President of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), has been arrested once again by Bahraini authorities on Monday June 13th, and has since been kept in solitary confinement. Nabeel was last released from prison in July 2015 following a European Parliament resolution[…]

Eminent Shia Cleric Stripped of Citizenship, Faces Deportation

20 June 2016 – Washington, DC – In its latest attempt to stifle free speech and expression, the Government of Bahrain has revoked the citizenship of Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim. Sheikh Isa is highly regarded as the spiritual leader of Bahrain’s Shia population, who make up the majority of the country. A Bahrain Ministry of[…]