Profile in Persecution: Mohamed Hasan Abdulla (AlRamel)

Updated: Mohamed Hasan Abdulla (AlRamel) was a 55-year-old carpenter when he was arrested on 3 November 2015 during a raid on his house. During his detention, he was tortured, sexually harassed, and threatened before being convicted of charges based on planted evidence. He is currently serving his life sentence in Jau Prison, isolated in Building[…]

Profile in Persecution: Hasan Mushaima

Updated: Mr. Hasan Mushaima is a prominent Bahraini opposition figure and political prisoner who has been serving his life sentence in Jau Prison since 2011 after being charged with attempting to overthrow the government in light of his role in the pro-democracy demonstrations. During his imprisonment, authorities have been subjecting the 76-year-old to maltreatment and[…]

Exposing Hypocrisy: The EU’s Failure to Defend Human Rights in the Case of Abdulhadi al-Khawaja

In 2011, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, a prominent Bahraini-Danish human rights defender, was arrested for advocating for civil and political freedoms in Bahrain. He was convicted under an emergency royal decree issued in response to widespread protests against the regime that year. The royal decree, entitled “State of National Safety”, enables authorities to prosecute individuals for any[…]

Arbitrary Deprivation of Nationality in Bahrain: A Legal and Human Rights Crisis

The Bahraini Constitution of 2002 stipulates that “a person cannot be deprived of its citizenship except in cases of treason” and as provided by law. The acquisition, loss, and withdrawal of citizenship are governed by the Bahraini Citizenship Act of 1963, which has been amended several times, most recently in 2019. To suppress dissenting voices,[…]

Assessing Bahrain’s Rule of Law and Accountability in Preventing Human Rights Violations

1- Introduction Bahrain has faced significant criticism due to its local laws and practices that violate international human rights obligations, specifically regarding the freedom of assembly and expression of opinion. Bahrain has been accused of using arbitrary arrests and unfair trials, as well as torture and medical negligence, as reprisals against  opponents and human rights[…]