6 December 2019 – On 8 and 9 December, the King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence in the Kingdom of Bahrain will be holding an International Religious Freedom (IRF) Roundtable. This will be a major international religious freedom gathering in Bahrain, and part of a goal by the organizers to see a proliferation of[…]
5 December 2019 – On 30 November, Portuguese Members of Parliament (MP) Alexandra Vieira and Pedro Filipe Soares, members of the Bloco de Esquerda (BE) party, tabled two questions to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Assembly of the Republic. MPs Vieira and Soares asked the Ministry to explain the Portuguese government’s current official[…]
3 December 2019 – Today, French Member of Parliament (MP) Clémentine Autain tabled a question to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs on “serious human rights abuses” in Bahrain. She noted the intensification of human rights abuses since 2017, including arbitrary arrests and detention, torture, and sexual assault, and the increase in political prisoners,[…]
27 November 2019 – Without offering any justification, Bahrain’s High Criminal Appeals Court has delayed a judgment due today in the case of Mohamed Ramadhan and Husain Moosa. Both men had previously been sentenced to death on the basis of torture-tainted confessions. Lawyers have been notified that the verdict will now be issued on December[…]
26 November 2019 – Three Members of Parliament (MPs) in France have tabled questions to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs concerning human rights abuses in Bahrain. MP Sébastien Nadot tabled a question on serious human rights abuses in Bahrain, including torture and arbitrary executions, and noting the arrest and torture of political opposition[…]