Senate Blocks Resolution Disapproving US Arms Sales to Bahrain, But Votes Show Increasing Congressional Concern for Human Rights in the Kingdom

13 June 2019 – Today, the United States (US) Senate voted to block a resolution (S. J. Res. 20), introduced by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), which would have disapproved of the proposed sale to the Government of Bahrain of “certain defense articles and services.” Under the Trump Administration, the State Department has made determinations approving[…]

ADHRB Briefing on Capitol Hill: “Anatomy of a Police State: Systematic Repression, Brutality, and Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior”

11 June 2019 – Today, Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) held a briefing on Capitol Hill that covered the human rights situation in Bahrain. The briefing specifically looked at corruption, abuses committed by the Ministry of Interior (MOI), and assistance from the United States (US). The event, moderated by ADHRB’s Executive[…]

ADHRB Welcomes Senator Paul’s Resolution of Disapproval for Proposed US Arms Sales to Bahrain

15 May 2019 – On 13 May 2019, Senator Rand Paul issued a resolution (S.J.Res 20) disapproving of the proposed sale to the Government of Bahrain of “certain defense articles and services.” Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) welcomes this resolution and urges Congress to support halting all unconditional arms sales to[…]

USCIRF Designates Bahrain as Tier 2 Country for Third Consecutive Year in Annual Report

30 April 2019 – Yesterday, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released its 2019 Annual Report, categorizing Bahrain again as a Tier 2 country “for engaging in or tolerating religious freedom violations that meet at least one of the elements of the ‘systematic, ongoing, egregious’ standard for designation as a ‘country of[…]

Anatomy of a Police State: Systematic Repression, Brutality, and Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) is pleased to release Anatomy of a Police State: Systematic Repression, Brutality, and Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior, a comprehensive look at the core security agency driving Bahrain’s human rights crisis. See the introduction to the report below, and click here to read the full report. Introduction[…]