Campaign: Americans against Child Torture in Bahrain

10 March 2025 – Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain, in tandem with Human Rights Watch, today launched a campaign to end the torture of children in Bahrain. As part of that campaign, we are calling on our supporters in the United States to contact their representatives in Congress – including their Congressperson in the House of Representatives and their two Senators – and ask them to raise the issue of child torture in Bahrain with their colleagues. If you support the cause of human rights in Bahrain and live in the United States, we’re counting on you!

Look up how to contact your Congressperson here!

Look up how to contact your Senator here!

Contacting your representatives is easy – you can either craft your own message, or you can use the one we provide below. Your support is vital if the children of Bahrain will ever see their case plead before the US government!

Honorable Representative,

I write to you today concerning the grave situation of child detainees in the Kingdom of Bahrain, who are being abused, tortured, and incarcerated on an unprecedented scale. They need your help, and the help of the American Congress, if they are to see their crisis end.

The violations of children’s rights in Bahrain are systematic and grave. A recent report from Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain <<LINK>> details how the children of Bahrain are being arbitrarily arrested, tortured, and incarcerated by their government. They are being deprived of their rights to both education and medicine, all while the government incarcerates them in squalid conditions. They need help – your help.

There are few people in the world in a position to come to their aid, but I believe you, as my representative, are one of them. You have the ability to steer the policy, trade, and resources of the most important economy in the world, while the various mechanisms of the union can be advised by your opinions and communications. I ask that you simply use that power to highlight the plight of Bahrain’s children and push for urgent diplomatic action on their behalf.

Very few other countries in the world are actively persecuting their most vulnerable in such a fashion. Bahrain’s treatment of her children is despicable and sinister, and deserves a spotlight shown on its depravity. The victims themselves would benefit from such a lantern, as Bahrain has shown a reticence to commit its crimes against humanity when it has the attention of the international community.

Please, raise the issue of Bahrain’s children with your colleagues and at the highest diplomatic levels. They have no other champion.


Your Constituent