ADHRB at #HCR57 emphasized the need to end impunity in Bahrain starting with dismissing the MOI

On 25th September 2024, ADHRB delivered an intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 57 under item 4 during the General Debate. ADHRB emphasized the need to end impunity in Bahrain starting with dismissing the  Minister of Interior.

True reform in Bahrain remains elusive, in light of a pervasive culture of impunity.

Since 2011, 19 political prisoners have died, including Husain Khalil Ebrahim due to medical negligence, and AbdulKarim Fakhrawi from torture. Additionally, cases of extrajudicial killings such as Abdulla AlAjooz. However, the killers have not been held accountable.

Complaints against Prince Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa for his involvement in the torture of detainees remain unaddressed. Nasser continues to hold high-ranking positions and authority.

The Ministry of Interior, led by Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa since 2004, has been implicated in torture, including activist Ali Hasan Al-Aradi. Prisoners like Dr. AbdulJalil AlSingace, Hasan Mushaima, AbdulHadi Al-Khawaja, and Sheikh Ali Salman continue to face torture. Despite the Bassiouni Commission report confirming the Ministry’s involvement, the minister remains unprosecuted.

We renew the call to implement the Bassiouni Commission’s recommendations, end impunity, and remove the Ministry of Interior’s control over security and judicial bodies. This begins with dismissing the Minister of Interior, prosecuting violators, and compensating victims.