ADHRB call on the Council to pressure Bahrain to stop targeting Human Rights Defenders

On 30 March, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 52 under item 8 during the General debate. ADHRB call on the Council to pressure Bahrain to stop targeting Human Rights Defenders. Mr. President, We would like to bring to the council’s attention Bahrain’s intensifying crackdown through the[…]

“No Legal Basis” for Fateel’s Detention, Finds UN Body

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) published an Opinion on 15 March 2023 concerning the case of Naji Fateel. Fateel is a Bahraini human rights defender and activist who was arrested in 2013, tortured, and subjected to countless human rights violations including unfair trial and ill-treatment. The Working Group found that Fateel,[…]

Profile in Persecution: Muntadhar Abdali Khatam

Muntadhar Abdali Khatam was a 21-year-old Bahraini who was warrantlessly arrested in 2015 and subjected to multiple human rights violations, including torture and unfair trial. He was charged in multiple cases and is currently serving his sentence at Jau Prison. Muntadhar is the twin brother of the detainee Murtadha Abdali Khatam, and the brother of[…]

The Impact of COVID-19 on Political Prisoners in the GCC Countries

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), with the support of Harm Reduction International (HRI), recently undertook a comprehensive study into prison conditions in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, paying special attention to the prisons of Bahrain, for which information was more readily available. Our findings support a[…]

Alhori: Bahrain must explain the lack of medical care toward political prisoners

On 24 March, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 52 under item 6 during the Universal Review Periodic of Bahrain. The Activist Yusuf Alhori Said in his intervention: Bahrain must explain the lack of medical care toward political prisoners Thank you Mr. President The Bahraini government claimed[…]