Selling American Democracy to Middle Eastern dictators

The unconditional support the U.S. gives to the dictators in Saudi Arabia – a relationship where the U.S. turns a blind eye to every kind of imaginable crime and medieval behavior – has devolved to a new phase of Saudi dictators being allowed to openly buy continued support from individuals. A sovereign investment fund led[…]

UAE and the impact of spyware on human rights defenders

Introduction In October of last year, NSO Group, a leading Israeli technology company, announced that it would be terminating its contract with the United Arab Emirates. This decision was taken after it was revealed in the UK High Court that Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai, was using the company’s Pegasus software[…]

Profile in Persecution: Mohamed AlMutaghawi

Mohamed AlMutaghawi is a 33-year-old political prisoner who had been arbitrarily arrested at a protest in 2017, forcibly disappeared, and sentenced to death, later commuted to life imprisonment, in an unfair trial before the military court. He is currently serving his sentence in AlQurain Prison, where he continues to suffer from mistreatment. On 23 May[…]

Challenges of being Bidoon in Kuwait

Background Kuwait gained independence in 1961, ceasing to be a British protectorate anymore. Upon this development, one-third of the population was given nationality on the basis of being ‘founding fathers’ while another third were naturalized as citizens. The remaining people were designated as bidoon jinsiya which when translated from Arabic means ‘without nationality’. According to[…]