At HRC 48: Systematic Religious Discrimination in Bahrain

 On 22 september, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 48 under item 3 on Systematic Religious Discrimination in Bahrain. Madam President- The systematic violations of human rights in Bahrain has been the subject of several joint communications by United Nations Special Procedures, including the mandate holders on[…]

UN Experts Send Allegation Letter to Bahrain Regarding Severe Violations in the Cases of Sheikh Zuhair Jasim Abbas and Ali AbdulHusain AlWazeer

Four United Nations (UN) Special Procedures offices have published on their website the allegation letter sent to the Government of Bahrain on June 28, 2021, concerning the human rights violations faced by Sheikh Zuhair Jasim Mohamed Abbas and Ali AbdulHusain Ali Hasan Ali AlWazeer. These included arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, torture, and non-access to due[…]

Profile in Persecution: Sayed Hashem Mohsen Fadhul

Sayed Hashem Mohsen Fadhul was an 18-year-old Bahraini national who was arbitrarily arrested in 2015. He has been subjected to torture and ill-treatment on multiple occasions and is currently held in Jau prison where he is serving his sentences. Sayed Hashem was arrested on 30 May 2015 in Bani Jamra as he was going to[…]

Profile in Persecution: Muhammad Bin Alawi Bin Jaafar AlShakhoori

Muhammad Bin Alawi Bin Jaafar AlShakhoori, a 34-year-old Saudi activist in the 2011 democratic movement in Qatif, was arrested without a warrant in 2017 at a checkpoint. He was then forcibly disappeared and tortured, and forced to sign a confession, which resulted in chronic pains and injuries. Muhammad was sentenced on various charges and sent[…]

French MPs Urge the Foreign Minister to Make France’s Position Clear on the Violations of Human Rights in Bahrain, Amidst International Concern for Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace and Hassan Mushaima

On August 30, 2021, Sandra Marsaud and Éric Girardin, Members of Parliament (MPs) for France, drew the attention of the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, to the deteriorating human rights situation in Bahrain. Ms. Marsaud and Mr. Girardin are both French National Assembly members, and have represented La Republique En Marche[…]