ADHRB at HRC 46: Bahrain engages in constant attacks against Human Rights Defenders

    On 10 March, ADHRB has delivered an oral intervention at the United Nation Human Rights Council session 46 during interactive debate under item 3. Madam President- We would like to bring to the attention of the council the constant repression that civil society organizations and human defenders are facing in Bahrain especially under the[…]

EU Parliament Urgent Resolution Condemns Human Rights Situation in Bahrain

11 March 2021 – The European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly in a plenary session today to adopt an urgent resolution condemning human rights abuses in Bahrain, including an increase in the use of the death penalty, the continued use of torture against detainees and the persecution of human rights defenders, lawyers and other civil society[…]

Profile in Persecution: Husain Ali Jaafar Mohamed Abdulla

Husain Abdulla was a 22-year-old preparatory student when he was warrantlessly arrested in 2016 after a raid on his uncle’s house. Husain was brutally tortured afterwards, which resulted in severe head and body injuries. Recently, his repeated requests for medical treatment have been ignored by Jau prison administration, which resulted in his appendix bursting requiring[…]

Declaration to demand Loujain al-Hathloul’s Freedom on Occasion of Her Second Hearing

French Deputy Jean-Baptiste Moreau (LREM), president of the France-Saudi Arabia parliamentary friendship group again joins forces with Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), Women’s March Global, International Service for Human Rights, MENA Rights Group, to reiterate the demand for the definitive release of Loujain al-Hathloul and her right to return to France,[…]

Senator Ron Wyden Submits Statement for the Record on the 10th Anniversary of the Pro-Democracy Movement in Bahrain

8 March 2021, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) submitted a statement for the Congressional Record, addressing Bahrain’s crackdown on peaceful protestors on the 10th anniversary of the pro-democracy movement in Bahrain. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) commends and supports Senator Wyden’s statement and the concerns that he raises. Click here for the[…]